Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer Mentorship Component

1) (Know) Log of specific hours with a total and a description of your duties.
Please select the following link:

2) Contact Name & Number:
Dr. Wayne Campbell in the Pharmacy Department
Telephone: 323-837-3470

3) (Need to know) What questions were raised because of the ten hours of experience?  List them.  
Are there alternate paths to becoming a pharmacist?
What different types of pharmacists are there?
Why is it so important to have a full department for pharmacy?
What other duties do clinical pharmacists have aside from drug categorization and distribution?
How do pharmacists impact the hospital?
Is their a reason to why some hospitals buy drugs already sealed in containers, and other hospitals seal their own drugs on sight?
(To the above question) What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Why is America in need of more pharmacists?
Do we need pharmacists? Because certain positions can be replaced by other types of jobs (I.e. clinical pharmacy can be replaced by an anesthesiologist or doctor)

4) What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
I was able to talk to the college students who were doing rounds at this hospital for hours in med school. I found that each of them came from a different part of the United States and applied to pharmacology in different ways. Two of them applied to pre-med school then their current school? One entered an elite program and was able to get a seat at USC's pharmacy program (this elite program no longer exists.) Another decided to go to community college, then two years later went to UCLA. The oldest member of the group did some abroad studying and major switching until she finally decided on her path to pharmacology. I view this as my important experience because in gave me an insight to five different people with varying personalities who all entered pharmacy through options. It is important to me because it allowed me to expand scope and realize that I'm not limited in my options to enter the field I want to have an occupation in.


5). How did what you did help you choose a topic?  Please explain.
Going into this project I had it down to two decisions: Music and Pharmacy. I originally picked music (specifically conducting) because it would allow me to incorporate some fun, have creative lessons in understanding rhythm and "emotion", I had a contact at Pixar Studios set up, and it is something I am truly passionate about. However, other people were doing music related topics. I finally settled on pharmacy because my ten hours at the hospital gave me enough information to talk about. At first I was uneasy because this topic is dry, and if the audience is bored then no one will listen. Fortunately I went to see one pharmacy seminar at Whittier Hospital Medical Center and found some cool ideas the speaker used to keep the attention of the audience.

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